
View from the Carrot Room

Images, reviews and general ramblings about film and digital photography …oh and 3D printing



Cameras: Kodak 35 ‘special’

I bought this camera a few months ago from Goodwill and it has sat on my shelf since then; mostly due to the fact that the focusing ring appeared to be seized.  I kept picking it up and considering whether to try to take it apart and see what was wrong but each time ended up just putting it back on the shelf.


Then one day whilst pondering this camera I was thinking of ways to try to get the lens to move by applying the right pressure – I considered pliers (with rubber over the tips) and other means of gripping the front of the lens. I picked up a small rubber disk that was somehow conveniently on my desk at the time and with it in the palm of my hand pushed the front of the lens into it and tried to twist – it moved!  I tried again and moved it more; after a couple of minutes I had managed to release it enough to be able to focus fairly easily.  Now I had no excuses, it was time to try it out. Continue reading “Cameras: Kodak 35 ‘special’”

My Top Five (film cameras)

So this year I got close to owning 50 cameras.  I know there are those that own way more than that (or have) but for me it’s just a little too many.  To settle this, I have been trying to whittle the numbers down and pass some cameras on to new owners; I still have a long way to go to get to where I want to be and for some of them its a painful experience to let go.

It’s also not helped by me continuing to acquire more 😀

In the process though I am identifying the few cameras that I really like, use regularly and expect to do so more going forward.  Those few will get (or already have had) a CLA so I can be sure they are in good shape to provide me with years of enjoyment and reliability.

So what are those few favourites and why do I like them?

In no particular order…. Continue reading “My Top Five (film cameras)”

The Thirty Six: Film #11 with Petri 2.8

I took this roll during the Beers and Cameras photo walk the same day as the last roll (here) but this time it was 35mm Fomopan 100 and I was using it to test my newly acquired Petri Rangefinder; this post is also a review of that camera.


I have been intrigued by Petri for a few months particularly since readying this post on 35mmc not too long ago.  Then browsing Goodwill I spotted this one and hey presto! for very little investment it was mine. Continue reading “The Thirty Six: Film #11 with Petri 2.8”

Investigating and diagnosing light leaks

After my recent experience with a light leak on a TLR and another leak on a compact 35mm, I realized that there was very little information online about how to go about diagnosing these kinds of issues and thus fixing them. Most of the tutorials online that mention “light leaks” seem just to talk about replacing the foam seals around the door; which is fine for a certain age of camera and if that is where the light is coming in.

With both of my issues this was unhelpful and so I thought perhaps I would share my thought process in tackling these leaks; apologies if this is a case of ‘teaching your grandmother to suck eggs’ and maybe a lot of this is obvious for some of you – please chime in if you have techniques I don’t mention.

So first off, if the foam seals are deteriorating then of course replacing them is a fairly simple and cheap exercise that is worth doing anyway and may well resolve the issue. In my case this was not required for either camera.

let’s begin Continue reading “Investigating and diagnosing light leaks”

Cameras: Nikon 1 V1

I have no real idea why I bought this; it was completely on a whim.  I have a perfectly good (better) digital camera that I love so this really is a mystery.

It happened in a kind of blur… I read a couple of reviews and then fatally checked out that auction site…  some days later a package arrived on my doorstep.


Apart from my Nikonos underwater cameras I have never been a Nikon owner.


I guess what interested me about this camera was the look it has; very simple minimalist lines (a sleek black slightly round cube).  Continue reading “Cameras: Nikon 1 V1”

Cameras: Voigtländer Superb

This is the second of my recent acquisitions which together make me feel I can stop looking as I have exactly the core camera set I want to use (well almost).  I already posted about the Prominent this is another from Voigtländer (of course) and it is a Twin Lens Reflex.


This has everything you could ever want from a TLR in a well designed package.

  • Good viewfinder?  Yep
  • Great lens? You got it
  • Lever based winder? Indeed
  • Spirit level? Of course
  • Parallax correction? Oh yes
  • Frame counter? Certainly

See what I mean?

This model was first released in 1933 and I think this actual example was a little later in the run so probably around 1936.  Continue reading “Cameras: Voigtländer Superb”

Thoughts on being explored

So there I was on Sunday quietly minding my own business when a couple notifications appeared in my inbox from Flickr; the first stating so and so had like one of my pictures and another inviting my image into the ‘in explore‘ group.

My image had been selected by the mystical Flickr algorithm that puts them into Explore!

This is not the first time this has happened but last time I think I only just scraped in and dropped of the list fairly quickly (you can read Jim’s explanation of how this works here) so it didn’t really register.

This weekend however, it seems I was well in there and got a lot of attention.  I haven’t really put any effort in to developing followers on Flickr so my viewing figures are normally quite low; rarely into triple figures and fav’s in the low teens.

Suddenly my figures start climbing and the whole day my phone is buzzing as yet another fav or something comes in.  It was exciting at first and then slightly embarrassing as my phone constantly interrupted conversations or activities throughout the day. Continue reading “Thoughts on being explored”

Which would you save?

This post is aimed mostly at the those of you who have collected a number of cameras and switch between them.

Here’s the question;

If you could only keep one camera/lens combination which would it be?

Let’s put a little detail behind that; say that for some reason (for example a cataclysmic event happens)  you have to pack you bags and leave your home taking only one camera with you with no expectation of ever coming back.  What would you choose and why?  I’m assuming you already have loved ones and important things covered and in reality picking a camera might be the last thing on your mind, but anyway…

I have already narrowed down what I think is my favourite; 35mm rangefinder, 35mm SLR, Medium format, TLR and also my favourite digital but if I had to leave almost all my cameras behind I would be left with a difficult choice. Continue reading “Which would you save?”

TLR: A story – (last) Part 7

A few weeks went by without incident.  They had talked about it many of times between them and also with their friends.  No one had touched the camera in that time.

Dean and Sarah were sat eating breakfast one morning and as he was picking up a slice of crispy bacon to chew on he said to Sarah “Should we try the camera again?  See what happens?”

She put down the forkful of scrambled egg and looked thoughtful “Okay but I want to be with you.  I’f you are going to black out I want to know.  Let’s do it this evening”


That evening, they both went into the office.  The camera sat as they had left it on the shelf.  Dean picked it up.  They looked at each other and with some concern on his face; he looked down into the viewfinder.  Continue reading “TLR: A story – (last) Part 7”

TLR: A story – Part 6

A couple of days later Dean was working around the house and had almost forgotten about the incidents a few days previous.  Until he noticed the camera, which was back on the shelf in the office.

The viewfinder was still open and he picked it up again and casually looked inside.

Something white shifted into view and suddenly it was clear.  Right in front of him.  A lady was stood in a white gown; a wedding gown and people were standing around smiling at her.

“Excuse me, do you mind?”

Behind Dean a man was standing holding a TLR camera and was adjusting the focus whilst looking at the bride.  Dean stepped to one side “thanks” the guy took the shot and turned to look at the other people around; as did Dean. Continue reading “TLR: A story – Part 6”

TLR: A story – Part 5

Dean woke.  At least he thought he was awake, it was dark around him.  As he eyes adjusted he realized he was in his office at home.  He heard a door.

Hi!  I’m home.  Dean?  Are you here?  Why is it dark in here?

A light went on in the kitchen sending a glow into the office.  Dean sat up.

“God Damn!” he heard from the kitchen “Why the hell are these groceries just lying on the floor!  Dean?!”

“I’m here” he said still trying to get to grips with where here was and started to sit up.

“What are you doing?  The groceries are not put away. What’s going on?  The place is in darkness?”

She appeared in the doorway. Continue reading “TLR: A story – Part 5”

TLR: A story – Part 4

Dean awoke.  He stretched out, feeling for Sarah and remembered she’d left early for work.  He hated it when she had to work on a Saturday.  It meant missing out on a warm cozy wake up.  The sheet next to him was already cold.  He thought about going back to sleep but he knew he had too much to do and slowly got himself up.  He stumbled out of the bedroom heading to the kitchen.  Coffee was definitely first on the list.

On the way he glanced in the office.

The camera sat on the shelf.

He stopped and stared.  Something was different.  God damn it, the viewfinder was open.  He didn’t dream that.  But then why couldn’t he remember what happened? Continue reading “TLR: A story – Part 4”

TLR: A story – Part 3

“Babe I’m home, sorry I’m late you know how the girls are; Sheryl wouldn’t stop talking about here new dining suite.  How did you get on with the photos?  Babe?”

Dean woke just as Sarah walked in the room.

“Were you asleep? She said

“Err yes, I think so. I was…” He looked at the camera on the shelf, confused. Continue reading “TLR: A story – Part 3”

TLR: A story – Part 2

It had been a few weeks since Dean had bought the camera.  It sat on the shelf in his office.  Sarah had got over her initial shock at what he had wasted twenty dollars on and had mostly stopped bringing it up during conversations with their friends; mostly.

Not that she was mean about it, she wasn’t that bad.  He loved her very much and he knew he wasn’t always easy to get along with.  He was glad she put up with him and they had a lot of fun together.

Still, it was still a handy weapon to use should the situation arise and he cringed at the thought of her using it against him again, ridiculing him in front of his friends.  Continue reading “TLR: A story – Part 2”

TLR: A story – Part 1

As Dean turned towards the door he considered why he had never been in this store before.  It was not far from home and he regularly drove past.   It was partly due to the irregular hours the store seemed to keep as on previous times when he had driven by with the hope of actually calling in, it had been closed.

This time however it was definitely open.

It was an old shop, probably built early last century, it’s sometimes difficult to tell the age of buildings in LA as they often mimicked previous eras and once they became old enough to crack the woodwork and fade the paint it was not always clear.

The door opened smoothly and without the cliche of a creak despite having cracked and fading blue paint, which showed layers of previous coats trying to demonstrate they still have colour to share, and the glass being covered with dust such that seeing through it into the world beyond was almost impossible. Continue reading “TLR: A story – Part 1”

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