
View from the Carrot Room

Images, reviews and general ramblings about film and digital photography …oh and 3D printing


Folding Camera

Happy International Photography Day!

Here’s one I took earlier….

A change in direction…

At the beginning of this year I started a project to shoot all the film I had in stock which amounted to about 36 rolls.  I am three quarters through the year and pretty much on target for what I set out to do.

However, although it has been interesting and I have shot a lot of film through a small selection of my cameras, I think I am going to slow down and pretty much call an end to the project.

I have come to realize that I am trying to shoot rolls just for the purpose of keeping up with the project and as a result I am somewhat wasting rolls (as well as time and money) achieving a goal which is not about creating quality images.  Some of the images I have posted recently have been great but I think many were posted just to show that I shot a roll and they are below the standard of quality and interest that I would like to present.  I also don’t think I have giving anyone interesting in terms of my experience or learning through the process.

I will keep shooting but it will be in my own time and not trying to achieve an unnecessary goal set by myself.

With a baby under 4 months getting quality photography time is hard and so the opportunity for taking good pictures is limited; this just makes me shoot things for shooting’s sake and that’s not my goal.  I could go out and spend time taking the sorts of pictures I like but I would rather spend time with my family.  Also, many of the pictures I want to take right now are of my family and I rarely share those images here.

So, I will keep posting images and sharing (hopefully) interesting things but not in the same way or rate and if I happen to shoot 36 rolls, great – if not, I don’t care.

In the meantime, here is am image I shot recently using Ilford Pan F Plus in my 1937 Voigtländer Bessa folding camera (roll 23). Continue reading “A change in direction…”

The Thirty Six: Film #18

Half way through this project now and I am pretty much on track for the year.  I am struggling a little with motivation  as I am shooting the same films a lot ( particularly in 35mm) and I’d like to shoot something else (guess I should have bought a more varied stock).  A few of these films I just don’t like as they seem to not really fit well with my subject matter and as a result I am reluctant to shoot them – ideally I’d like to swap the Kosmo Foto and/or the Fomapan for some Ilford or Portra – any takers on a 2 for 1?

I realized this week that somehow my blog settings had got changed so that it prevented any comments on recent posts; it’s fixed now. Continue reading “The Thirty Six: Film #18”

The Thirty Six: Film #12

My Bessa got another outing, this time on a weekend trip to Monterey, CA.  I decided to shoot Ilford Delta 100 and both the camera and film performed well.

The Lone Cyprus

Continue reading “The Thirty Six: Film #12”

The Thirty Six: Film #9 Tri-X

Another outing for the Voitländer Bessa RF this time using an expired roll of Kodak Tri-X 100.  Due to the age of this I exposed it as if it was 25 which judging by the results was just about perfect.

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I am enjoying using the Bessa and established a workflow of sorts for shooting it making sure it is ready for the next shot though I am still a little off with framing on occasion.  Continue reading “The Thirty Six: Film #9 Tri-X”

Cameras: Agfa Isolette

I’ve been meaning to do this one for a long time. I’ve had this Agfa Isolette for ages and ages: so long in fact I can’t even remember whether I’ve ever shot film through it before. I bought it in younger days because it was cool looking.


I have come to understand over the years that these are fairly well regarded cameras and can fetch reasonable prices (depending on condition,lens etc).  Continue reading “Cameras: Agfa Isolette”

Photo on Friday

I just got a couple of films developed and thought I would share this one with you88800004 (Large)

I took this with my Voigtländer Bessa folding rangefinder on Kodak TMax.

This is the Tajunga Wash or rather the upper end of it just as it leaves the Angeles National Forest.  You might notice that on the hillside to the right is a darker patch; this was where the recent “Creek Fire” came through and was pretty much its far South-Eastern extremity – this is where it stopped about half a mile from my home.  The wash is a major feed into the Los Angeles river.

I am still impressed with the images this camera puts out, I have to get into a habit that I know when I have wound on/shot a frame if I am putting down for any length of time.

I need to use it some more and get a feel for where is excels and what film brings out it’s best.

Cameras: Kodak Jiffy-Six 16

I got this camera last year after finding it in an antique shop.  I realize this isn’t a rare piece but (maybe because it was more a US product) I had not seen one before and fell in love with it’s design.
The price was high (too high I think having seen a few more for sale since) and I wasn’t going to buy it, but my fiancé decided to buy it for me as a present for which I am very grateful.
It s in great condition and came with the original leather case; even the little Kodak film advertising inside is untouched.

Continue reading “Cameras: Kodak Jiffy-Six 16”

Cameras: Voigtlander Bessa RF

I got this recently and love it so it’s jumped to the top of my list for reviewing.

Continue reading “Cameras: Voigtlander Bessa RF”

Cameras: Kodak Six20 Junior

Doing this one next as even though I have had it for a long time, I have decided to sell it.

This is a Kodak Six20 Junior model D to be specific and dates from about 1934.  I’m not sure exactly how long I have had this but probably close to 30 years.   Continue reading “Cameras: Kodak Six20 Junior”

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