I got the next challenge yesterday afternoon which meant i didn’t have much light remaining after work.  A mad dash home to get my camera which I didn’t have with me (I know, I know) After some minutes of not really seeing what i wanted to capture I take a seat and wait for a minute or two; a sweet elderly couple cross the road next to me and as they make the next crossing I managed to capture this.


Not a great composition but I did like that the elderly couple were holding hands and the other guy who didn’t seem to be with them (as he came from a separate direction) was friendly to them and chatted as they crossed the road.

So not sure I had what I wanted from last night, I managed a quick walk this morning and captured a more few street shots;

The first is a guy wrapped up for full winter in what I considered nice warm sunshine – not quite the wide angle requested (as I cropped it )


Next was a empty street shot with a fire hydrant in the foreground, I cropped it again and made it black and white – quite like this one but not sure it says anything.


The next one is more the street scene in the brief. no cropping and there is stuff going on, cars waiting to turn and a cyclist making good progress in the opposite direction.  It’s not a perfect composition there are things I don’t like about it but overall I think it fits


I managed a stroll out in my lunch break, and took a few likely candidates;

Abandoned shoes
Busy crossing
Parked bike
Another parked bike

Lastly, I looked at the street just before I re-entered my building and there were some cool reflections from the nearby building.
