So I must thank Bellamonte for nominating me for this award please check out her blog Coellefornia she writes some very interesting things.

The “Liebster” is awarded to up and coming bloggers, blogs that are not well known yet and usually have less than a few hundred followers. Once you’ve been nominated and accepted the award you have to write a post to thank the person that nominated you and answer the questions that they asked you. In return you nominate up to 11 blogs and ask them to answer 11 questions and the chain continues.

[No random facts this time around]liebster-award-large

Questions and answers

Where and when do you blog?

I mostly squeeze them in when I am at work, Shhhh…

Give us a link to the post you most enjoyed writing.

It’s one of these two I think;  Gorgeous or Tea; for both of them I was still in the moment and wanted to capture my feelings and enjoyment.

Why did you start blogging?

I tried to explain here but really I just wanted an outlet for my thoughts as I find committing things to paper (or pixels in this case) helps me get clarity.  I also wanted a place to regularly publish pictures and also provide some inspiration to take more.

Name one of the best places you have ever been.

Kauai was very very nice, the trip this year was too short so I must go back.  I also really enjoyed Northern Ireland and the particularly the causeway coast (I will definitely go back there some time).

What one experience have you had that reminded you the world can be pretty small sometimes?

I guess it’s that here I am writing my nonsense and I see that people in Germany, South Korea, Cyprus, India, Austria, Greece, Mauritius, Colombia, Finland, Malaysia and Slovenia have stumbled across my blog in some way and stopped to take a look.

Have you decided on your next holiday? Where are you going? If not, where would you like to go?

So many holiday plans and so little time. My next trip is to Washington DC for a wedding and the 4th July celebrations, only 4 days so does that qualify as a holiday?  Later this year we have a week long stay in Orlando, Florida to do all the usual things there, my daughter is flying over from the UK to join us.

What is your favorite thing to do outdoors?

The obvious answer is cycling but really I enjoy doing anything outdoors; cycling, walking, hiking, boats (love boats) kayaking (is that boats again?), photography (another obvious one).  Do I have to choose a favourite?

Four words that describe yourself.

Ugh I hate this kind of thing you end up either sounding conceited or paranoid.  Okay here we go;   Fit, Handsome, Intelligent, Strong? nah! Grey, Aching, Tired, Confused? okay okay…

Thoughtful, Meandering, Curious, Quiet

I still don’t like it but that will do

You have one day all by yourself, nothing on the calendar, what would you do?

Grab my camera (and possibly my bike) and go find somewhere interesting, at least that is what I would do if I didn’t give myself time to think.  What I would actually do is think about my commitments and probably do some cleaning and some things on the to-do list.  That way I would have more time at the weekend to do something with my girlfriend.

Tell us about your favorite restaurant.

I don’t really have a favourite restaurant; at least not in the sense that I have one that would regularly go to as my go-to place.   I’m still looking for that place around here, there are many good restaurants and I am still testing.  There is a lovely little place back in the UK in Southern Cornwall in a small town called Looe.  It might not even qualify as a restaurant being, a converted garage on the roadside (I don’t know if it is even still there).  But I loved the atmosphere and the tapas style food they serve  which is really delicious. It was called Red Herring, I believe I would certainly go back there if I get the chance.

What is your favorite drink?

Really? You want me to choose? What is this thing with choosing favourites?


Tea!   No, wine!   No… Beer!, ugh   Gin!.. Dammit, Whisky!  Hmmm….  Okay let’s consider.

Whisky, not my first love, I was a late developer here and of these it’s the one I drink least so let’s take that out (sorry Whisky).

 Gin.. I talk about that on this blog and it is certainly versatile, it is my go to end-of-the-day tipple, I’ll come back to that.

Beer, ahhh beer… so many kinds and flavours, I have so many good times spent drinking beer with my friends…  Maybe that.

Wine.  Without wine meals wouldn’t be the same.  Without wine I couldn’t enjoy cheese and a life without cheese is well.. I don’t even want to think about it.

Tea.  Tea…  I’ve written about my love of tea (see above) it is a restorative, is so good in all situations especially emotional and distressing times.  Few things can’t be solved over a cup of tea.

I don’t want to choose but if I had to I guess it would be tea (reluctantly) and secretly I will have them all as my favourites without telling anyone.



And so next I would like to Nominate the following bloggers and blogs, which I enjoy reading, to receive this award;

If you choose to accept the nomination, please answer the following questions;

  1. What is the reason behind the name of your blog?
  2. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
  3. What is the best comment someone else has made on your blog? – give us a link to the post.
  4. Which blog are you reading most, lately?
  5. Which is the most successful post on your blog?
  6. Which post on your blog would you like to have got more readership?
  7. What kind of music do you like or what was the last live performance/concert you went to?
  8. When did you last draw a picture and what was it a picture of?
  9. What would you like to change?
  10. What would you like to be remembered for?
  11. Who do you admire or get inspiration from?